Edible Landscaping

It seems a shame to relegate food plants to second place in the garden. They aren’t as tidy as ornamentals, but they were bred to produce bountiful crops, but they can also look very good, and many of them can fit in well in a mixed border.

August List o’ Things to Do!

August is the hottest month — allegedly, as it started out as pretty cool here in Missouri, but now the heat’s finally showing up. At any rate, the vegetable garden is going like gangbusters right now. Here’s a little list of chores for the August garden, just to keep you up to speed.

Playing catch-up

So, okay, Assassin’s Blade came out, and I tell you what, I’ve never shot up so high and fast on Amazon in my life. I passed a few of Diana Galbaldon’s books, but her Highlander book stayed just ahead of me and I couldn’t catch up to that one. Still felt pretty good about the whole thing.

The Clay Figure

Chunks of embers arranged themselves into a vaguely human shape: a larger piece of ember for the head, two embers for the body, stacked atop each other, and then the limbs strung together with the ashes and bits of cinders.

With a soft grating noise, like a log sliding over and breaking burned wood, the small human-shaped group of embers rose to its feet among the heat and ashes.

In praise of the Alphasmart Neo.

Now with the Alphasmart, my writing routine often includes waking up in the middle of the night and writing stuff in the dark, as I am now. I’ll put this under the covers on my lap so the tapping of the keys doesn’t disturb my husband, and I’ll write until I fall asleep. Or I’ll wake up in the morning and spend a few minutes typing on a story.

Proof that you don’t need a working mind to be a state rep.

If you love scanning through book after book for the faintest whiff of sex, then you’ll love this bill, which was written because some white guy out in Neosho knows more about what should go into libraries than actual librarians who have actual librarian degrees.

I’m teaching an online self-publishing class!

This class will introduce you the zany world of self-publishing. We’ll talk about publishing options in the indie world, how to put your books out as ebooks and paperbacks, ways to build a newsletter and an audience, how to keep self-publishing costs down while doing quality work, best practices for success, and much more.

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