Look! A new Witch’s Plight excerpt!

Every sensation of burning at the stake – the unbearable heat billowing into her face, her dress catching fire, the mocking laughs of the crowd watching her, making fun of her shrieks of pain – all of these leapt into her mind so vividly that she jerked her head back from the sparks of the fires.

Playing catch-up

So, okay, Assassin’s Blade came out, and I tell you what, I’ve never shot up so high and fast on Amazon in my life. I passed a few of Diana Galbaldon’s books, but her Highlander book stayed just ahead of me and I couldn’t catch up to that one. Still felt pretty good about the whole thing.

The Clay Figure

Chunks of embers arranged themselves into a vaguely human shape: a larger piece of ember for the head, two embers for the body, stacked atop each other, and then the limbs strung together with the ashes and bits of cinders.

With a soft grating noise, like a log sliding over and breaking burned wood, the small human-shaped group of embers rose to its feet among the heat and ashes.

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