I have been writing and publishing stuff and I haven’t been updating this blog worth a damn. I haven’t been on here since March 30, yikes! Of course, there’s a pandemic on so I haven’t been quite in the loop as much as I normally should have been.
So, okay, Assassin’s Blade came out, and I tell you what, I’ve never shot up so high and fast on Amazon in my life. I passed a few of Diana Galbaldon’s books, but her Highlander book stayed just ahead of me and I couldn’t catch up to that one. Still felt pretty good about the whole thing.

Book 2, Dragon’s Inferno, will be out on September 16. I’m getting a new cover for book one and book two, so those will look much nicer. I’m waiting to hear back from the cover designer for cover 2 (I’m doing that one first, because I need the new cover pretty darn quick so I can start marketing Book 2).
I’ll have a new marketing push once I get the cover for book 2. Also, Assassin’s Blade will be going on sale starting on Sunday, and then will be on sale again somewhere around September 16. Jump on it. I’m really pleased by how people really seem to like this book. I don’t do rapid release with my books because I want to spend time on them and flesh out the characters and event and make the whole thing exciting and fun to read and even put in a few bits to make you laugh. And my dragons seems to be big ol’ puppy dogs with Fia, but when they get up in the air fighting, they are vicious fighters and there’s fire everywhere.
Oh hey guys, I’m also getting an audiobook done of Assassin’s Blade, voiced by Galena White! She’s very excited about this project (hell, I am too). She has a nice British accent, which I think is music, but she also has that humor and range in her voice that I really like in a narrator.
What else is happening? Well, I also have a gardening book called Big Yields, Little Pots: Container Gardening for Creative Gardeners. I didn’t have the funds to do a bunch of marketing on it yet, but I’m finally getting a few things set up for it. Oh, hey, it’s on sale starting on August 2 as well!

This is the first book in the Hungry Garden series, written under my Rosefiend Cordell name (I’m trying to keep my gardening books separate from my dragon books so I don’t mess up my also-boughts on Amazon).
Book 2 is underway, and it’s called Edible Landscaping: Foodscaping and Permaculture for Urban Gardeners. (This book is also intended for rural gardeners, but Amazon doesn’t have a section for us, dang it.) Shall I post the cover for this one? Sure! Why not!

Well, I have taken a bunch of my books wide FINALLY. I don’t have them everywhere yet, and I’m still trying to get the paperbacks loaded up and distributed (this part is giving me a headache — well, technically, every single part of this is giving me a headache). But in the meantime, my gardening books are all wide in ebook. They aren’t available at every retailer yet (that is yet another headache I have) but I’m trying my best to get there.
In the meantime, guess what, I have ANOTHER gardening book on sale starting tomorrow!!! (That’s August 1, for those of you playing at home.) It’s Don’t Throw in the Trowel, my first Easy-Growing Gardening book, and the second book I self-published wayyy back in 2016.

Now, I’m super-new to all of this, so I hope that the promo goes and that it goes across all those vendors. I do like that I can put a book up on Draft2Digital and have it show up at all those vendors. That is pretty cool. Now my next step is to try and start promoting all these books. But it’s going to have a wait a minute because I have my hands full over here!
I have a page on Books2Read but I keep getting super-confused every time I get on there so I can’t remember where to link to it. That will probably be another blog post.
At any rate, that’s a lot. I’m going to be blogging a little more often, trying to get back in the saddle on this score. Hopefully I can keep up with this pace lol.
In the meantime, in the rest of the world, 2020 is trash. My whole situation with family and coronavirus and trying to figure out how to distance-school my kids is also nuts, but that’s a whole ‘nother blog post. We’re still employed and we’re still doing okay, so really, we’ve been lucky overall. We even have two new baby hens, and now they’re laying these tiny blue eggs. Can’t beat that.