Guys, I did a show with Gerry Prokopowicz on Wednesday! I was talking about my book, Courageous Women of the Civil War. I was very nervous but once I was on the air I did fine.
I really enjoyed the interview. Gerry’s a great host and asked some good questions (including one about what I thought about Jack Davis’s book on Loreta Janeta Velazquez. I said that we didn’t *quite* see eye to eye on some issues, grin).
Overall, good stuff, and my daughter even got a shout-out for being my audio engineer for fixing up my mic before the interview began.
I’d always wanted to be in radio. Now that I’ve gotten through that interview, I want to do more podcasts. That was a blast, and I felt very comfortable behind the mic once everything got going.
Here is the link to Gerry’s show: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/96071/civil-war-talk-radio