I’ve reached the end of THE FLAME OF BATTLE, finally! Right now the word count is 71K. Now I’m going through, fixing stuff and adding stuff, and I’ll be sending this out to readers soon to help me get this puppy fixed up.

This book comes out on January 31 and there are silver dragons and Vikings. We have an undead walker, an emberdragon, a really cool kickass sword, and a main character who is struggling with a mountain of enormous guilt but she’s going to be unstoppable despite that. Also there will be Vikings on the wide seas. And wolves! No puffin friends yet — they’ll show up later.
I want to get started on book 2 — A BLAZE OF VALKYRIES — as soon as possible, but this book has got to be fixed up first. But we’re making progress, and I am happy with that.
oh yeah, here is the preorder link!