How To Create the Best Space To Grow Veggies INDOORS

So take a look at the space you’ve decided to give to your plants. If it’s near a window, how much light will the window provide? Do you need to supplement that light with an artificial light source? And, if so, is there a plug-in nearby? If not, do you have an extension cord long enough to reach it? And can you place that cord where nobody is going to trip over it?

I really didn’t expect to have to do THAT much thinking over where to put a pot of herbs, but here we are.

A few ways to get a mini-MFA in writing.

Here’s a helpful rule of thumb for novelists: Read 100 novels in the genre that you want to write in. You can choose any novels you like, but include recent novels, good books written within the last 10 years. Read the classic novels from this genre, too — just so you get a bird’s eye view of how the genre has changed over time

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